Sunday, March 10, 2013

Reflections on Dr. Lewis' and Dr. Choigois' Action Research Interviews

Dr. Chargois, makes sure the studies involving students in Beaumont ISD are ethical and in the best interest of the students. Projects are refused if the study risks a damaging effect on any student. He also discussed the importance of maintaining confidentiality by not revealing any student names. Beaumont ISD has access to information once the study is completed to approve or disapprove of the findings. Protecting student’s identities and ensuring that studies are in the best interest of the students are standards that I will adhere to when conducting my action research study.

I share Dr. Lewis' belief that every professional should be able to analyze and apply data in their practice. Analyzing and applying data relevant to your population will benefit students. I’ve always wondered about how to address several school issues that I observe daily. Dr. Lewis pointed out that the information is available to us. We don’t have to go out and begin a brand new project when so many have already been completed. I like his suggestion to find out what other districts have done with a similar population and translate their research to your school. I found his suggestions to be very valuable and guidance for my action research study.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Educational Leaders Using Blogs

Educational leaders can use blogs to communicate with staff, parents, and students. Utilizing blogs will also demonstrate the administrator to be progressive. Blogs are an interactive, up to date way of communicating. Newsletters and paper notices often get thrown away or lost. Blogs are free and a more engaging way to communicate.

Action Research

Action research or administrative inquiry is a progressive approach to improving schools and developing school personnel. Principals initiate studies based on their curiosities and needs of their campus. Administrators collect data, analyze the data and implement changes based on their findings. As a result of spending a considerable amount of time studying, administrators gain a substantial amount of insight on the subject (Dana, 2009).

Action research stems from teacher action research. With teacher action research, teachers utilized literature and followed a systematic procedure to study their practices. This model helps administrators and teachers validate their practices or reasoning for implementing change in schools. Teacher action research has proven to be very effective professional development for teachers. Action research has been very beneficial for administrators also. The process of action research guides practitioners in making quality decisions. Since the research is initiated by school personnel, they are more likely to implement and act on their findings (Dana, 2009).

Principals engaging in action research serve as a model for their subordinates. Teachers are able to observe their principals operate as head learners. Principals often react to problems in schools. Action research allows principals to put time and energy into addressing issues of their choice and be proactive. Action research encourages principals to work with others instead of the usual isolation. While working together campus personnel will have an opportunity to learn and grow from one another (Dana, 2009).
I might use action research to study student motivation, single gender schools, and inclusion classrooms. All of these subjects are relevant to my campus. While completing my internship, I will be a member of the Campus Improvement Committee. We could collaborate, conduct research, and present the findings to our staff with an improvement plan.